JANUARY 9, 2006: Trial Began. Associated Press did a story about the trial made reference to Anaheim
Supporters wearing "We are NOT LA" shirts at the courthouse.
JANUARY 10 & 11: Jury Selected.
JANUARY 13TH: Anaheim's Lawyer and Angels' Lawyer give their opening statements.
JANUARY 17TH: Dave Morgan, Anaheim's City Manager Testified stating the Intent of the stadium
lease didn't indicate that two city names could be in the Angels'Team Title. While cross examining Mr. Morgan, The Angels'
Attorney established that the intent of the lease didn't exclusively mean that the Team had to be called the Anaheim Angels.
JANUARY 18TH: Anaheim Convention, Sports, and Entertainment Director, Greg Smith testified that
"Anaheim Angels" and "California Angels" was always displayed on tickets and other items before Arte Moreno bought the team
in 2003.
JANUARY 19th: John Thorn, Baseball Historian, testified that "Anaheim has vanished from the
team title approximately 99.9% of the time from media sources and team merchandise. The Angels' attorney made a very weak
rebuttle to Thorn's Testimony.
JANUARY 20th: Lawyers for Anaheim and The Angels have a mediation session to try to come up with a
settlement, but The Angels' LP still refuses to drop LA from the team title.
JANUARY 23rd: Former Anaheim City Manager, Jim Ruth, testified under oath that two city names
in the Team Title was never discussed during negotiations between Disney and Anaheim in 1996. He firther testified that the
name "Los Angeles" in the Team title would have been a "Deal killer."
JANUARY 24th: The court heard Tony Tavares' Videotaped Testimony. His testimony stated that the City
of Anaheim was to be predominant in the team's title, and be displayed on all merchandise. Tavares' Testimony gave the city
a strong advantage over the Angel's LP in the court case.
JANUARY 27th: Anaheim's Lawyer asked Arte Moreno to take the stand as a "Hostile Witness." Moreno introduced
a new concept to the term, Hostile Witness--"The Court Jester," in which he was in turn, repromanded by Anaheim's Attorney.
Anaheim's Lawyer reminded Moreno that the court case was a very serious matter. Moreno admitted to Dropping Anaheim from the
team's title on Angels Merchandise.
JANUARY 30th: Arte Moreno concluded his teatimony. Moreno admitted to not being aware of the "Emotional
Curtain" deviding Orange County and Los Angeles. He also testified that he never talked about the name restrictions when he
bought the team from Disney, and he never consulted with the Dodgers Owner, while he considered changing the name to Los Angels
Angels of Anaheim.
JANUARY 31st: Former President of The Angels, Dennis Kuhl, testified that the clause team's lease,
which requires Anaheim to be in the team's title is "Very Vague." This testimony means that the jury can consider "Original
intent," when they begin their deiberations.
_____*_____ANAHEIM RESTS. _____*_____
FEBRUARY 1st: Anaheim rested its case, and the Angels began presenting their case by calling Tim Mead,
one of the Angels Team Executives, to the stand. Tim Mead was able to show that Anaheim had not disappeared from the Angels
Team Title entirely.
FEBRUARY 3rd: Former Executive Vice President of the Disney Corporation, Larry Murphy, was called as
the Angels' 2nd witness. Murphy testified that Disney wanted flexibility as far a the Geographical Naming of the team went.
Murphy's Testimony was defective, however, because he couldn't recall ever mentioning this to Anaheim City Officials. Also,
Larry Murphy was not present during the last two thirds of Disney's Negotiations with the City of Anaheim. A list of possible
names Disney was tossing around during negotiations with Anaheim, was presented to the court. The list included Orange
County Waves, Pacific Angels, Orange County Surf, and Southern California Shades. There was nothing
on the list which included Los Angeles, or two geographical regions.
FEBRUARY 6th: The Angels called 3 expert witnesses to the stand: 1) Lon Hatamiya showed that Anaheim's
Hotel Bed Taxes stayed the same after The Angels changed the name from California Angels to Anaheim Angels, for four years.
The taxes spiked when the name was changed to Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. After being cross examined by Anaheim's attorney,
Hatamiya conceded that other factors could have had an impact on this. 2) Dr. Richard Gilbert, Professor at UC Berkely stated
that there has been a 45% in crease in attendance at Anaheim Stadium since The Angels 2002 World Series Championship. 3) Angels
Vice President, Molly Taylor testified that Anaheim has received 5.4 Million Dollars in ticket and parking revenue since Arte
bought the team, where as they only earned $400,000 under Disney's Ownership.
FEBRUARY 7th: Arte Moreno was The Angels Final Witness, and he testified how much the team prospered
after he took over ownership of the team.
_____*_____THE ANGELS REST_____*_____
FEBRUARY 8th & 9th: Closing Arguments were presented. Anaheim's Lawyer acknowledged that "Los Angeles
Angels of Anaheim technically compleis with the lease, but argued that the "Oxymoron title" violates a "Covenant of Good Faith
and Fair Business Dealing" which also constitutes a breach of contract. After deliration, the jury came back with a verdict
in favor of The Angels.