Chester Arthur. (Our 21st President.)
John Buford. (Commanding Officer of First Division at the Battle
of Gettysburg)
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. (Was Govenor of Maine)
Abner Doubleday. (Founder of Baseball???)
James Garfield. (Our 20th President.)
George Meade. (Commanding Officer of The Army of The Potomac)
George B. McClellan. (The Young Napolean)

Robert E. Lee.
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.
Gen. Lee Summary.
Gen. Jackson Summary.

Lewis Armistead. (Commanded the 14th, 38th, 53rd, & 57th Virginia Regiments)
P. G. T. Beauregard. ("The Little Creole")
James Longstreet. (Was later President Grant's Minister to Turkey)
George Pickett. (Lead "Pickett's Charge")